Let’s reflect …

Pop art, and HipHop art, are both reflections of the mental, physical and spiritual health of society, and our collective sense of responsibility to The Creator … HipHop is about escaping, or “victory over… “, the streets and the normality of Self-Destruction … Pop art is like, “fuck it, I give up and go along with everybody else” art … HipHop is not Pop …

Dear legends of HipHop and record labels,

Please stop letting these rich kids who have no gift for The Funk buy their way into your legendary crew or record label, running around the world saying they are the new crew 2012 and they are not doing anything but faking the funk and putting shame on your name and legacy …


Your Real Fans and Friends

The purpose of HipHopPhilosophy.com …

Just in case you didn’t know …  :


http://www.HipHopPhilosophy.com is all about … One race (Human), one country (Earth), one Creator (of The Blessings) …


If we had any allegiance or sense of responsibility to The Creator, we would oppose the fossil fuel industry and stop playing along with the money game … If we (the people) had any relationship with The Creator, our actions would reflect respect for Mother Nature (Laws of Cause and Effect / Relativity), and Self-Respect … as long as our actions (such as the fossil fuel industry, for one example) reflect no respect for the Laws of The Creator, our beliefs are that of the “blind leading the blind” … Growing and evolving out of contradiction, hypocrisy and Self-Destruction, and into Self-Respect = The purpose of HipHopPhilosophy.com …

The logic of the day is …

… conclusive vs. inconclusive is the logic of the day … Inconclusive ideology can NEVER bring ANYBODY closer to The Creator than anybody else … Self-Respect/Actions of being thankful and grateful for The Blessing of Life is the only way to relate to or be responsible to The Creator … IMO … It has nothing to do with words and language of religion, and has everything to do with the Laws of Cause and Effect / Relativity and how it relates Self-Respect to everything we do/say/think/eat/consume/etc. … Don’t need to call it “God”, “Allah”, or follow a man-made book to see this … It ain’t rocket science … The children, believe it or not, CAN and WILL use it much better than we can if we just give them the knowledge … of what “good” and “right” means, Self-Respect, and what “bad” and “wrong” means, self-disrespect (Self-Destruction) …

HipHop Philosophy (the thesis)



WELCOME TO HipHopPhilosophy.com …


The principles presented in the text below are the products of HipHop and its purpose, as defined by itself in history. The concepts have been, and are, the evolving manifestation of man & women’s revolutionary spirit (the need/desire to do something positive, and/or ‘fresh’, with one’s life, in this negative, self-destructive society/environment/world we live in), which is the birthplace of all forms of HipHop; The soul.


HipHop Philosophy Written January 5, 2001

Self-Respect is the first element, direction and principle of purpose. The key to the happiness and safe future of our families. It must be the principle of purpose, because without it, we are without purpose. It is what we all have in common most, the common responsibility/job in life. The only way to show ‘faith’ or a sense of responsibility to whatever Created this world and life.

Our ‘purpose’ is the reason ‘why’, and the answer to the question ‘why?’ …

‘Why?’ is the first question asked by a child, when they are directed to do, or not do, something, because people, of any age, need a purpose in life. The reason ‘why’ they should do the “right/good thing”, and not the “wrong/bad thing”. An understanding, or “overstanding” (HipHop language which means; The use/application of learning … ). Having a purpose in life, a sense of their responsibility to whatever it is that created this world (The Creator), and its many Blessings: life, love, water, food, air-oxygen, the Sun, solar system, the miracle of nature (sometimes called Mother Nature), the miracle of creation (like childbirth), and a respect for its Laws of Cause & Effect/Relativity.


SELF-RESPECT: Relating everything you do/think/say/eat/inhale (consume, digest or ingest) to respect for your self, The Creator and all of its creations (The Blessings and the Laws of Cause & Effect/Relativity). Taking personal responsibility for your physical, mental & mental health & actions, showing gratitude/thanks to The Creator by relating the concept/responsibility/’job’ of Self-Respect to respecting The Creator and all of its creations (The Blessings).

If you disrespect yourself, you disrespect your Creator. If you disobey, defy or disrespect the Laws of Cause & Effect/Relativity, then you disrespect your Creator. This is conclusive, for sure, without question.


RESPECT FOR OTHERS AND THE LAWS OF RELATIVITY: Self-Respect = Respect for The Creator = Respect for Mother Nature = Respect for others = Self-Respect.

If you disrespect the next man or woman, you disrespect his/her Creator, which is the same as your Creator. Disrespecting your brother or sister of equal value (we are all equal creations of our Creator) is disrespecting your self, because, it is disrespectful to our Creator and the common purpose of all of The Blessings.

The breakdown is simple, but most importantly, it is the only possible conclusion, and it is easy to over stand for everybody, ESPECIALLY YOUR CHILDREN.

It is the essence of the laws of relativity.

All human beings have the same common goal/purpose in life, no matter what their skin tone, nationality, religion, social class, economic class, etc. Our common goal/purpose in life is happiness and safety for the future of our family when our short life is over. And we all have the common responsibility, which is our only means by which to achieve this common goal/purpose, which is Self-Respect by and with the Laws of Cause & Effect/Relativity. This is what it means to responsibly live a life of gratitude and thanks for The Blessings of The Creator.

(A child’s ability to over stand this must be respected, or the normal majority of them will grow up to be lost, psychologically, physically, and spiritually, like the whole of ‘normal’ society. ‘The blind leading the blind’.)




RESPECT FOR MOTHER NATURE: Many normal human actions, especially actions of industry or business organization disrespect The Blessings and the Laws of Cause & Effect/Relativity (LCER). For example; creating an industry which results in environmental destruction and/or damage to the Earth’s eco-system/atmosphere, is contributing to the depreciation of human-kind’s future survival and existence on Earth. Contributing to such industries, like tobacco, alcohol, dead animal flesh (that we were never meant to consume, like pig and beef), sugar abuse, legal & illegal drugs, legal & illegal destruction of the rain forest, fossil fuels/oil/gas-for-transportation, laws against self-farming, etc., is disrespecting The Creator and its Blessing of “Mother Nature”, by disrespecting its creation(s) and the common human right and purpose (‘freedom’) of future happiness and safety.


CONCLUSION: Respect for self, and all of The Creator’s creations (“Blessings”, Mother Nature and/or other people), is respecting The Creator. The Creator is The Creator of the Universe, The Blessings and/or the LCER.

‘The Lord’, ‘God’, ‘Allah’, ‘Jesus’, or any other title/name that is related-to, affiliated-with, created or founded by an economy-based, man-made ‘faith’, and/or establishment of “religion”, is manifested by Separatism (the opposite of Unity) and has separatist effects on human-kinds’ perception of The Creator, because The Creator’s name is inconclusive.

We know nothing more about its title, gender or any other conclusion other than the miracle of Creation (like when a baby is born).


CONCLUSIVE/INCONCLUSIVE: Referring to the Creator as ‘he’ is coming to the conclusion that The Creator is male. This is a conclusion on the inconclusive. The only thing we know about The Creator is that we are creations of The Creator, and we must respect our Creator through Self-Respect. Self-Respect is only achievable to society if Self-Respect is taught and applied with the Laws of Relativity and/or Cause & Effect.

Practicing and/or exercising spirituality, and relating Self-Respect to respecting The Creator can only be achieved by taking personal conscious responsibility for your psychological, physical and spiritual health and actions.

Separate the distance between The Creator and yourself. Look within yourself, not the heavens, for the Creator-given strength and wisdom to maintain Self-Respect in this environment, which is not conducive with respect for self, The Creator and/or Mother Nature, because this environment and/or society is irresponsibly unconscious of (separated from) the Laws of Relativity and Cause & Effect.

No living man or woman can come to conclusions on the inconclusive. This manifests separatism (Racism, nationalism, religion, etc.).

This is one of the most empowering concepts of HipHop Philosophy: Not coming to conclusions on anything that is no way possibly conclusive. There are twice as many people on the other side of the Earth who believe just as strongly about their experiences and inconclusive “beliefs” (“faiths”) as people on this side of the Earth, which are totally different, and most importantly, inconclusive. They are based on mythology, history (which is always speculative), prophecy, inconclusiveness, etc.




This is what it means to understand and/or overstand, and respect, the reality that EVERYBODY HAS A DIFFERENT REALITY. It would be ignorant to call anybody’s conclusions/beliefs “wrong” because these are inconclusive conclusions.

But it is foolish, and mostly irresponsible to conclude on the inconclusive, to think one knows whom or what The Creator is, says, does, wants, thinks, or looks like, etc. …

To say anybody’s conclusions/belief is wrong, again, would be foolish, because there is no way one could ever know conclusively. If it were possibly conclusive, then everybody would know. But Asia and Africa are populated with substantially more people than any other continents, who have just as much reason and evidence to support their inconclusive beliefs (“Faiths”) as anybody else. To say that ‘we’ or ‘they’ are the ones who have the answer is nothing more than a shot in the dark. If ‘we’ can claim to know, ‘they’ can too.

What is conclusive is that there is no such thing as ‘we’ and ‘they’. There is only one race, Human. Human beings of different descents and different shades of brown.

Because people are products of their environments and imitate their atmosphere in their own individual way, everybody has a different reality, determined by how each person adapts to the world they were raised in.

The Creator is with us everywhere we go, spiritually. If it smiles, it smiles on you, no more or less than anybody else, because we are all of equal worth.

HipHop people respect all people of different conclusions, beliefs and ‘faiths’. This is facilitated by the strength we find through ‘faith’ and the way we practice it, actions which reveal & reflect Self-Respect, a personal level of Self-Respect that we may or may not be conscious of.


THE LAWS OF CAUSE & EFFECT: The only way to solve or cure a problem is to attack and eliminate its cause. To treat and act as if the effects are the cause is simply backwards and counter-productive.

For example, making tougher laws can never prevent people from committing crimes.

Because, the reason people commit crimes, or ‘acts’ that are absent of Self-Respect, is the absence of Self-Respect.

To prevent people from committing ‘crimes’, or acts absent of Self-Respect, people must learn, or be taught, Self-Respect with the Laws of Relativity and Cause & Effect before they become products of an environment/atmosphere/society, unconsciously led by the blind, without a responsible, conclusive, sense of purpose in life.

The laws of Relativity and the Laws of Cause & Effect, which are synonymous, are unconsciously and irresponsibly ignored and avoided (se: ‘The blind leading the blind’) all over the world. People are taught or “brainwashed” to hypocritically claim to respect and practice ‘faith’ in ‘The Lord’, ‘God’, ‘Jesus’, ‘Allah’, whatever … because society is separated, or ‘blinded’, from the vision of “seeing life through the eyes of The Creator”.

The Laws of Relativity and Cause & Effect relate Self-Respect to everything we do/say/think/eat, digest, ingest, consume, inhale (yes that means nutrition and smoking). It is so simple and easy to over stand this basic law of nature. But our ignorant and irresponsible negligence of this real ‘rule of life’, which is not a ‘game’ of life, proves that human beings are not nearly as smart and intelligent as we tend to think we are.

And that most of what we call ‘advancements’ in so many ‘fields’ (industries), may not really be positive, progressive or intelligent, as much as they are self destructive products of the absence of a relationship between man/woman-kind and The Creator of The Blessings, the Divine Performance of Creation. (The Blessings of Life, Love, Family, Friends, Water-Food-Oxygen (which we are killing), The Earth and Nature.

It is impossible to respect and practice ‘faith’ in ‘The Lord’ if we do not even practice Self-Respect. Because no matter how much you think to yourself, ‘I respect myself’, actions speak louder than words or ‘faith’, and, we are all practicing self-destruction today, and in the future, until we become conscious of the true meaning of Self-Respect.

The only way we can do this is if we begin our whole education/school process/system by teaching Self-Respect, using the Laws of Relativity and Cause & Effect.

A lot of people say, ‘that has to begin at home with mom & dad’. Well Mom & Dad aren’t learning it, obviously, and it has to begin somewhere.

Young and old people must have a sense of common-human-responsibility, to have what’s most important: A sense of purpose.

Whether you are conscious of it or not, this is what HipHop’s Divine Purpose is, because it is giving millions of people a responsible sense of having purpose in life, when they no longer find one in the system/process.

We found hypocrisy, separatism and self-destruction in the schools, church, government and our parents that were taught by the same system.

In HipHop, we found Unity and common ground. Separatism, and the many effects, infect and threaten the future of HipHop today more than ever. More than ever, we, the majority of those who claim to ‘live and love HipHop’, are separate from our ‘common’ goal, and Divine Purpose.

HipHop must find Unity among our sisters and brothers once again, like we did in the 80’s and early 90’s, or HipHop’s evolution will continue to be ‘industrialized’, raped and robbed from where it is born: the streets.

If Self-Respect relates to everything we do, say, think and eat/consume, then Self-Respect is the answer to all of the questions about what “why?”, what “life is all about”. The key, the only way for us to reach our common goal and purpose in life of happiness and safety for the future of our family when short life is over here on Earth … The only way to be responsible to whatever IT is that Created everything that is conclusive …

If all children are raised and educated through schools who teach to see the world this way, through the eyes of The Creator, the children will be most able to use the knowledge in everyday life if they learn it as a baby and child. They can understand enough to use the knowledge, better than learning this after grown up.

AND, if you have children, and have problems with them, instead of teaching them and telling them to be “good”, and not be “bad”, just teach them to have respect for their self, teach them to not disrespect their self, to have Self-Respect and that this is their key to happiness and safety, they will change for the better with time … Don’t trust me, trust them!


SEPARATISM AND UNITY: The separatist condition of the world separates and divides us in many ways. Or, in other words; The creation of fictitious, ideological, man-made false differences, commonly known of in society as races or race-ism, nationalities or nationalism, religion or ‘faiths’, etc. in society, all over the world, divides us. We are divided, the opposite of united, from our relativity, our common responsibility, to each other, the laws of Mother Nature and The Creator.

Many, many things are affected and infected by this worldly condition, including language. People use words in the English language like ‘black & white’ to describe people, and words like ‘God & Allah’ to describe whatever it is that created the world …

This is separatism. This condition separates and divides people, and The Creator, into opposing sides, teams, countries, races, etc.

And this is what HipHop Culture is transcending all over the world. The problems we face as a culture, as a community, as a society and as a race, one race; the human race … The problems of a self-destructive nature, like war, illegal & legal drug dependency, cancer, clean drinking water, child abuse, children killing children and adults, underprivileged children and adults throwing their lives away for money, drugs, sex, status, etc. … poor people AND privileged people, like famous multi-million dollar salary professional athletes, throwing their lives down the drain. The air, we need to exist, contained 30% oxygen 100 years ago. Today it contains less than half of that. Less than 15% of the air we are breathing is oxygen.

Heart disease is the number one killer, killing more people than any other problem we face.

What is the cause of heart disease? Unhealthy consumption. A commonly ‘normal’ lifestyle of habitual ingestion and digestion of self-destructive products.

The key to good health is prevention. In other words; the only way to eliminate a problem and its effects is to eliminate or prevent its cause.

All the problems we face, as blessings of The Creator, as blessings of the Divine Performance of Creation, are the effects of a cause.

The cause of these effects, our problems, is the absence of a relationship between man/woman, The Creator and its Blessings. The Blessings of life, the Sun, solar system, oxygen, water, food, love, the miracle of nature (sometimes called Mother Nature), and the miracle of creation, like when a baby is born.

To over stand, to perform and give respect to ‘God’, ‘Allah’ or whatever man-made-up word, name or title you use, that people have made-up and passed on … To fulfill our responsibilities as recipients of the blessings, we must have ‘education’ …

Now I’m not talking about a typical, conventional education by the school systems of economy. But before you can truly use that knowledge and apply it to its full potential, (keyword, POTENTIAL), our education system must begin with the first laws of nature, Cause & Effect. This is the essence of Relativity. The Laws of Relativity, or Cause & Effect, are synonymously the same thing. Everything is relative. Our existence and our atmosphere’s existence is the Divine Performance of Creation, by what people call ‘God’, ‘Allah’, ‘The Lord’, ‘Jah’, etc.

As HipHop, we transform subjects, objects and language to express or communicate our state of mind or conscious. In the language and evolution of HipHop and great pioneers, such as Melle Mel (1982, Survival: The Message II) and KRS-One (1993, Brown Skin Woman), it reflects the universal united conscious reality among most HipHoppers, that ‘black & white’ was discarded long ago by the teachers and students of HipHop as a fake, man-made, divisive reality.

We come together all over the world, everyday, under one roof, to celebrate and participate in this creatively, revolutionary, fresh art form in unity, for the common appreciation of each individual’s original and fresh contribution to the world.

In my closest, most seasoned HipHop circles, like for example, when I meet with KRS-One, we ceased referring to people as ‘black & white’ long ago.

Today, there is at least one real HipHop recording entity with a Palestinian MC and an Israeli DJ.

HipHop can do the same thing with ‘God & Allah’ that it did with ‘black & white’, because HipHop and its language are universally uniting people racially, internationally and spiritually. And as HipHop, we can continue this evolution, this constructive revolution, by eliminating, or transforming the separatist language of ‘God & Allah’, and replacing it with the most applicable, conclusively descriptive words in the English language, for ‘God’, ‘Allah’, ‘The Lord’, ‘Jah’, etc.; The Creator (of the Blessings).

Again, HipHop has stopped using the using the language of separatism with ‘black & white’, and is universally conscious that we are all different shades of brown, tan, beige, pale, etc. Your shade of brown simply depends on where your ancestors descended from, in relation to the equator.

As time goes on, and as society gets sicker, our relationship with ‘God & Allah’ increasingly becomes social, ideological, economical, industrial, political, divisive, and mostly apathetic.

The separation between man/woman and what ‘God’ & ‘Allah’ is: The Creator of The Universe, The Creator of Nature, The Creator of Love, The Creator of The Blessings, for short, The Creator, is to the point that society and it’s communities have almost no relationship and sense of responsibility to The Creator… and what it created, The Blessings.

Would The Creator look upon the world and bless the separatism of fictitious man-made, false realities like nationalism and borders, races or race-ism, and religious ‘faiths’ perpetuated by man-made inconclusive ideologies, that totally separate and divide themselves from other ‘faiths’, that do the exact same thing?

And you can ask the believers in “blind faith”, ‘how do you know you’re right’? They’ll often say, ‘because I have faith!’ (You heard that one?)

Well as HipHop, our actions have always spoken louder than words, or ‘faith’.


RACE-ISM: Racism and prejudice are different.

Prejudice is the prejudging because of race, gender, whatever, etc.

Racism is calling people by an inaccurate description, creating false differences and identities that have become normally known, in today’s brainwashed society, as races (white and black, racial pride, etc.). This is another form of separatism. There are dark brown skin people of African descent, lighter brown of Latin, Spanish, Central American (…etc.) descent, pale skin men of European descent (nobody is white or black). People of Asian descent, etc… People are all different shades of brown with different descents. Any other labels or categories manifest, or, are manifested by, separatism.

To ‘go-with-the-flow’ and accept society’s racist reality manifests a subconscious racist mentality within you, because of the laws of cause-and-effect. Calling people white and black is racist. It’s not prejudice, yet, but it is the manifestation of racism. People are just different shades of brown, darker and lighter.

To begin to fight and overcome the mental illness of separatism, we must first realize that we are sick. Then, we must stop lying to ourselves, and come to a collective over standing that we have been irresponsibly negligent and subconsciously separated from the Laws of Cause & Effect, Relativity and Self-Respect.


BUT REMEMBER: It is necessary for any so-called minority to adopt the identity as a designated or separate group (race), if they are singled out, treated, and forced into a separate “race”. Such people, (so-called) minorities, by human instinct, must unite and work together, to try and create a balance. In this case, racism is the effect of the false, man-made, reality of race-ism (one form of separatism). We are born into this false reality of race-ism.

But people are not black and white. Take a look. This is not an accurate description of any human being. “Black and white” does not equal prejudice, but it is race-ism. It is racist to separate people by creating an inaccurate description and using this to identify people SEPARATELY.

This is separatism. It is the cause, of the effect, of race-ism. It’s the same type of self-destructive, separatist concept as nationalism.

The Creator would not look upon this world, see and recognize borders, observe the manifestation of these borders and their purpose, and bless it. The manifestation and establishment of economy, defense and education to preserve the borders and economy, is a self-destructive, separatist, anti-human, anti-Mother-Nature, anti-Creator concept, that The Creator would never bless. No matter how much nicer the living conditions are for the people who happen to be born here, and people who move here to leave another ‘nation’ (money machine).

(This is not a personal attack on anybody’s frame-of-mind. This is for everybody who still calls human beings white and black. ‘Going with the flow’ and adopting this false reality is a part of the mental illness, a psychological trap & rut, called apathy, created by the absence of an education system that teaches Self-Respect by and with the Laws of Relativity and Cause & Effect….

This is not to attack this frame-of-mind, but rather to feed this frame-of-mind the reality of different/alternative realities. What is normal or the majority’s reality is not always true reality.)   



Just because I was born here doesn’t mean that I have to consider myself a part of that system, country or economic establishment … I live on The Creators’ country. We call it Earth … All of this man-made ideology is a mental illness, which disables our ability, and our children’s ability, to relate Self-Respect to respecting Mother Nature and our Creator.

It is clearly not over stood by millions who claim ‘to live & love’ HipHop that the main purpose, goal and benefit of HipHop is the personal control of one’s own life, destiny and happiness within this ‘system’ and/or environment which is clearly not conducive with self-control or happiness. This is why we (b-boys & b-girls) love to see beautiful graffiti art on big ugly trains that are major tools of the money machine. This is why we love the extremely funky, rhythmically inclined and ultra-creative (original!) art form we call HipHop music, which the mainstream finds so repulsive (“…I can’t understand what their saying…”). This is why we love to ‘breakdance’ and ‘scratch’ those records the way we do which goes totally against ‘the flow’ of conventional music and dance creativity. HipHop is a revolutionary culture with a much deeper purpose than simple rebellion, and/or positive recreation.

We, as human beings, can only be responsible for our children and ourselves. We are responsible for protecting our families from their biggest enemy; the absence of conscious respect for self, The Creator, Mother Nature, the Laws of Relativity/Cause-and-Effect.

Self-Respect is a daily household word with me and my children, 17 & 15 years of age (Now in 2012).

To the best of my knowledge & ability, I lead by example, and my children follow with respect, because they already know the reason, ‘why?’ and over stand their purpose, and/or their responsibility to the Creator, as the recipient of the gift of the blessing of life, which IS the reason “why?” they should do what is “right” and not what’s “wrong” …

As a pale skinned man of European descent (3/4 Danish/Dutch/English, 1/4 Chicano), out of respect for TheCreator, I will not go-with-the-flow and do-and-think as people do just because “that’s how it is” in the ‘real world’ as some say… I was born with the need to control my life and spirit, and I am thankful for my conscious (the conscious awareness of The Creator, the conscious that some people call “Jesus”), my spirit, my soul (THE BIRTHPLACE OF HIPHOP) for my individuality, independence, freedom and my gratitude to The Creator for The Blessings!